PAM: Campaign Planning and Inventory Management App
Can you keep better control of all of your marketing activity?
PAM (Promotional Airtime Manager) is a central campaign planning application that allows users to effectively manage, organise & forward plan campaign activity across your entire owned media inventory. It saves time, aids reporting and ensures media planning best practice. PAM integrates with existing systems and workflows.
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Case study: PAM
European commercial multi-media market leader

Increasing need for more holistic management of marketing activities across both TV and digital platforms, to reflect both audience and business focus
Lack of a central destination to capture a high volume of campaigns across different media channels and the need to have a portfolio view on owned media inventory
Need to reduce duplication in workflows & data between marketing, programming, planning and creative teams

The introduction of PAM enabled:
Resource efficiencies – both staff time and media inventory resource
Increased effectiveness of marketing planning, ensuring best practice followed in BAU
Enabled improved portfolio management as one hub to capture all marketing activity across multi-media platforms
One single source of campaign information to support a wide range of business stakeholders